Sunday, February 12, 2012

This is my journal entry for August 1, 1978.  It might be of interest, as a window on the past.

On July 30, 1978 the Bloomington Ward was divided into the Bloomington 1st and 2nd Wards. I was ordained Bishop of the 1st Ward by the Stake President Hollis R. Johnson.  I had been aware for some time that the ward would be divided because of my calling on the Stake High Council (Nov. 1977).  However, Bishop Mark Martinez was to remain Bishop.  However, 3 or 4 weeks before the division, President Johnson asked me to come to his home (this was a Friday night).  He went over many names for callings in the new wards, especially the 1st Ward, as the 2nd Ward retained all the auxiliary heads except the Sunday School President.  After getting my opinion on several names, he told me (as I left) that Bishop Martinez was leaving.  The entire selection process I had been going through suddenly became infinitely more relevant to me than it had been.  This especially hit me the following day as I brushed my teeth.

On Saturday, President Johnson and I rode up to the stake meetings in the back of his car while his wife drove. (She had, sensing something was up, put cotton in her ears.)  President Johnson told me that day that he would submit my name to SLC as Bishop.  I was sustained that day by the High Council.

For some months prior to this I have had some interesting experiences.  Especially noticeable were several manifestations of the Spirit – often during a church meeting.  They took the form of tearfulness, coming on suddenly, and what is usually described as swelling motions within my breast.  It was almost as if the tree of seed Alma was talking about was actually in my breast, and I could feel enlargening motions moving up and out from my sternum in smooth arcs.

I told Alzina, after this had been going on for some months, that something was happening to me.  Either I was going crazy and losing my grip on things or I was being prepared for something. I am now inclined toward the latter. I hope this continues and the Lord continues to be gracious in this regard.  The result has been a keener focus on church and gospel issues.  They seem much more important now – truly the center of what's important.

Subsequent to being ordained, I had the privilege of setting apart Shirley L. (Hank) Wankier as my First Counselor. His blessing centered upon his love for others and the fact that he would be able to reach and help people that others could not. 

I ordained Roy Samuelson a High Priest and set him apart as my 2nd Counselor. He was urged to read the scriptures and learn the gospel.  He was told the Lord was pleased with the job he and his wife had done in raising three fine boys. 

My blessing said I should get and organized scripture study program (I had been reading haphazardly lately). I was told that while studying the scriptures I would find answers to ward problems I had been contemplating. Also I was told to give the job the time it needed.  That, yes, I was a father and yes I had to earn a living, but devote the necessary time to the Bishop's calling.

I set apart Macauley Ferguson as the Ward Clerk.  He was very pleased and I feel that he will be loyal and faithful to me.  His blessing told him to walk in the light he currently possessed, and then he would get more light.  He was admonished to be faithful in every particular.

Some Editorial Notes:  Travelling in the car with President Johnson involved a trip from Bloomington to Indianapolis, about 45-50 minutes in duration.

My counselors succeeded me as Bishop in turn, first Brother Wankier and then Brother Samuelson.  This is a source of real satisfaction for me, as I truly loved working with them.